Terra Una


Day and multi-day tours on good horses for experienced riders with an ecological conscience.

On the N379 between Quinta do Anjo and Palmela lies Quinta de São Brás. Primarily, you’ll find the opposite of Monsanto here: Biosani, a regional producer of eco-friendly plant protection and fertilizers. On this picturesque farm, there are also horses, intended for guiding and educating people around the area.

For 100 euros, you can enjoy a full-day tour through the mountains, valleys, and beaches of the Serra da Arrábida — varied, well-explained, and with a lunch break at a vineyard. This is not for beginners, despite claims to the contrary online. Booking online needs improvement, so try to book as early as possible, at least by phone or, ideally, in person. It’s worth it, even if your backside will be sore by evening.