LX Factory


Let’s call it an alternative shopping center.  Daniela tells you some details.

Portugal's former largest textile factory has evolved into a hipster hangout since the last economic crisis. You could spend the whole day here, but you could also spend a ton of money. Just take a look around; it's a mishmash of smaller and larger, more or less local brands, offering everything from cheese balls to wedding rings. Imago, a Portuguese manufacturer of summer fashion with beautiful prints, is quite prominent here, while 8000 Kicks sells shoes and backpacks made from hemp. There are plenty of bars and restaurants, and the rooftop bar is fun, but only worth it if you don’t have to wait an hour for a beer. Unfortunately, real estate investors are already discussing how to make more money from the site.d used. They’re not specialized, so the selection is extensive. It’s easy to get lost in this record cave and end up spending more time there than you intended.