Freeport Fashion Outlet


Go with teenagers when the vacation budget needs to shrink quickly.

From the perspective of brand- and cost-conscious customers, it’s a wonderful shopping experience featuring brands from Adidas to Gucci to Zwilling, all in wonderfully Californian-inspired architecture with promenades and streams — never send teenagers to Lefties!

On the sidelines, one wonders what Prada is doing in a nature reserve. This brings us to José Sócrates, who as Prime Minister preaches thriftiness and decency, only to be arrested years later along with buddies from the construction industry for money laundering and corruption. Freeport also plays a role in the investigations: Sócrates, who was Minister of Environment in 2002, approves the construction permit a few weeks before leaving office and pockets a little something for it. However, it doesn’t change the fact that you can shop at very good prices at every level.